NuBaby FAQ

  • What is your basic membership? Membership starts at $4000.  It begins with  your prenatal visit and follows your family with weekly visits until your baby’s graduation vaccines at 2 months.  Your family then has the  option to continue with our sister practice, NuHeights Pediatrics, or to have a personalized sign out from us to your pediatrician of choice.

  • Do you take Insurance? Your insurance covers well care including vaccines and routine tests such as hearing.  It also covers urgent sick visits including rapid tests, cultures, bloodwork etc.  You would not be charged above your membership fee for these services.

  • Do you see twins and second babys? Twin and second baby care is available.  Your second baby may only need individual medical care and not a complete package (no prenatal, lactation, weekly appointments etc) .  You can purchase this care in our NuBaby Center and have private, extended visits for sick and wellness care, separated from other patients and  without waiting. Wellness Visit (1 hr) $500, Sick or Follow-Up visit (30 min) $250, Tele-med $100.

  • My child was in the NICU for an extended time and has some extra care needs, can we come to NuBaby? At present NuBaby is taking babies that are less complicated and don’t require intensive medical follow up.

  • How and when can I get in touch with my doctor? All members will receive a private number that will connect you to your doctor for emergencies.  That same number can be used to plan sick visits and to ask urgent questions.  After 10pm emergency calls are taken over by physicians via our sister practice, NuHeights Pediatrics, who will then sign out to us in the morning.

  • Can I join if my baby is already born? While it is best to start with our prenatal visit it is possible to join in the initial months of birth, you can.  Our membership pricing does not change if you join after birth.

  • Do you do consultations? Record review consultations are available for adopting parents for $500 per hour.  Consultations and packages for infant feeding and infant sleep are also available both at home and in our center with our feeding and sleep experts.